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Centre for Escalation of Peace (CEP) along with Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS) has brought out a collaborative book on India and Bhutan to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic relations. The book deals with various aspects of this relationship, primarily politics, economics, culture and the environment. With the view to allow the book to be equally representative of Indian and Bhutanese viewpoints, each topic is divided into two parts, one written by someone in India and the other by the Bhutanese counterpart.


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Centre for Escalation of Peace invited young scholars to contribute their thoughts, ideas and experiences through original articles to be put together in the form of an e-book. Aptly titled Youth – The Emerging Trends, the e-book seeks to highlight various topics important to the youth and showcase how they think regarding these themes. The e-book contains twelve chosen articles by youth of varying ages and backgrounds – the youngest is in Grade 6 while the older ones range from those in college to those working in the education sector or the environmental sector.

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2018 marked the first India Bhutan Youth Summit which was held in Bhutan. In order to select from a long list of entries for the summit, participants were asked to write an essay on what they thought makes a person of substance. This book is a compilation of their essays

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The Republic Day Edition of the Explore Culture magazine brings together a range of topics like culture, music, cinema, history, travel, leadership, business, politics, economy, sustainability and climate change. All the articles in the magazine focus on the countries: India and Bhutan. Tha magazine aims to make citizens in both India and Bhutan more aware about their own culture as well as expose them to interesting knowledge about the neighbouring countries’ culture.

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The Independence Day Edition of the Explore Culture magazine brings together a range of topics written by the participants of the India-Bhutan Youth Summit, 2019. Since all the articles are written by the youth, Explore Culture is an interesting amalgamation of ideas which reflect on trends among the youth of both the countries.

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This issue of Explore Culture celebrates the work of women leaders from various fields in India and Bhutan. We recognize that the next generation of collaborators, leaders and other prominent people in the world will include women taking center stage. The women celebrated in this issue have contributed extensively to various fields including writing, direction, cooking, acting, research, education, travel and a variety of other fields.

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This issue has been dedicated to travel and lifestyle. It is possible that the one thing that we have missed the most during 2020 has been traveling. Travel has been central in helping people explore the cultures of other countries and develop understanding and tolerance towards other cultures. The best way to immerse yourself in another culture and look at things from someone else’s ‘shoes’ is to travel in them.

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The Asia-Pacific Schools Initiative is a biennial educational programme that brings together students and teachers from the Asia-Pacific region to create a network of future leaders, developing and nurturing in each one of them the capacity to exercise “Leadership through Serene Strength”. The Foundation Programme of APSI 2019 took place from January 6-18, 2019.

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The Asia-Pacific Schools Initiative is a biennial educational programme that brings together students and teachers from the Asia-Pacific region to create a network of future leaders, developing and nurturing in each one of them the capacity to exercise “Leadership through Serene Strength”. The Concluding Programme of APSI 2019 took place from December 19-23, 2019.

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The School Leaders’ Retreat 2018 aimed to bring together principals of schools that were part of the Asia Pacific Schools Initiative in 2017, and also extended the network to other principals in the Asia-Pacific Region. The programme addressed the unique challenges of a school leader in the complex and fast-changing world of learning. Designed specifically for school heads, the programme equipped participants with ideas, skills and practices to create and lead collaborative result-oriented teams.

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School Leaders’ Retreat 2020 brought together school leaders with the intent of inculcating an understanding of ‘Leadership through Serene Strength’ and inspiring them to support the students and teachers of their schools. We believe that if schools practice and promote ‘Leadership through Serene Strength’, it will have a multiplier effect and will spread in the community, country and region.

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Centre for Escalation of Peace (CEP) and Pallavan Learning Systems (PLS), in collaboration with Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS), organized the inaugural India-Bhutan Youth Summit from September 21 to 29, 2018 in the Kingdom of Bhutan. The launch of the India-Bhutan Youth Summit came at an opportune time to celebrate the 50 years of friendship and partnership.

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On the 16th and 17th of March 2024, Ritinjali and the Centre for Escalation of Peace, in collaboration with the India International Centre, Nalanda Foundation, and Pallavan Learning Systems, came together to host a transformative retreat with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche on CALMING THE MIND: THE JOY OF LIVING - Level One.

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Centre for Escalation of Peace (CEP) in collaboration with Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS) and Pallavan Learning Systems (PLS), organized the second India-Bhutan Youth Summit from September 3 to 12, 2019 in Delhi & Uroli, India. The summit was funded by the India-Bhutan Foundation.

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The purpose of the Philosophers’ Retreat is to bring together eminent thinkers from the field of education, government, business and social work, to have an open discussion about the challenges in education and how the system could be equipped to ultimately benefit the learner in an ever-changing world. The focus of the 2018 retreat was the Purpose of Education.

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This Conference sought to explore the life and legacy of Guru Padmasambhava in their various dimensions. More importantly, it focused on the contemporary relevance of his teachings and the rich and diverse tradition associated with him.

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Centre for Escalation of Peace (CEP), Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS) and Pallavan Learning Systems (PLS) conducted the 3rd India-Bhutan Youth Summit from September 9-18, 2024. The first India-Bhutan Youth Summit was organised in 2018 to mark the 50 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The launch of the India-Bhutan Youth Summit came at an opportune time to celebrate the 50 years of friendship and partnership. The second summit was organised in 2019.

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The panel discussions that took place on June 14 and June 15, 2019 as part of the second Philosophers’ Retreat focused on the theme, ‘Inculcating Resilience in Youth’. The topic was a follow-up to the 2018 retreat that centered around the ‘Purpose of Education’ and its role in preparing our youth for the ever-changing world. It was noted that resilience is one of the main traits to help the youth deal with the various challenges of life and the inevitability of change.

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The 3rd India-Bhutan Youth Summit, held from 9th to 18th September 2024, brought together young participants from both nations in Bhutan. Organised by the Centre for Escalation of Peace (CEP), Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS), India-Bhutan Foundation (IBF), and Pallavan Learning Systems (PLS), this summit aimed to foster a deeper understanding of the unique India-Bhutan relationship. Through a blend of adventure, exposure, and dialogue, participants engaged in meaningful discussions, networked with peers, and met with distinguished individuals.

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The Asia-Pacific Schools Initiative is a biennial educational programme that brings together students and teachers from the Asia-Pacific region to create a network of future leaders, developing and nurturing in each one of them the capacity to exercise “Leadership through Serene Strength”. The Foundation Programme of the International Chapter 2017 took place from March 15-29, 2017 in New Delhi, India.

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To learn and celebrate the rich heritage of Indian and Bhutanese art and culture, a group of 10 distinguished artists – five from each country – came together for an Art Camp in Thimphu from 14 to 18 June 2016 to interact and collaborate on creating great works of art.

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Philosophers’ Retreat 2024 encouraged deep reflection on what should be prioritised in children’s education. Participants discussed the importance of fostering resilience, critical thinking, empathy, and adaptability in education to prepare individuals for a rapidly changing world. The importance of nurturing curiosity and preparing children for a complex future was emphasised, with a focus on fostering well-rounded individuals who can thrive in both the digital and physical worlds. There was a focus on the intersection of technology, education, and human values.

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Following the success of the first India-Bhutan Cultural Exchange and Art Camp held in 2016, a group of 10 distinguished artists – 5 from each country – came together for an Art Camp in Bhutan from 28 June to 3 July 2017. The aim of the Art Camp was to celebrate the rich heritage of Indian and Bhutanese art and culture and for artists to interact and collaborate on creating great works of art.

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Ritinjali and Centre for Escalation of Peace in collaboration with Pallavan Learning Systems and Vikramashila Foundation organized a retreat on ‘Mindful Living in Practice’ with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. The two-day retreat on Inner Peace and Joyful Living took place at the India International Centre on October 5 and 6, 2019.

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Ritinjali and Centre for Escalation of Peace, in collaboration with Pallavan Learning Systems, India International Centre, and Vikramashila Foundation India held a two-day workshop on 8th & 9th May 2021 - ‘Meditation and the Mind’ with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. Over 800 participants joined in from 59 countries including India, USA, Bhutan, Singapore, Nepal, UK, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, Malaysia, France, Thailand, South Africa, Canada and Japan.

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On Thursday & Friday, December 8 & 9, 2022, Centre for Escalation of Peace, in collaboration with Nalanda Foundation and India International Centre, supported by Pallavan Learning Systems and Ritinjali, hosted a retreat with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche on ‘The True Potential of the Mind: Primordial Wisdom In the Age of Scientific and Technological Breakthroughs’. The retreat was attended by about 135 participants in-person and 120 online participants from 46 different countries.

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The Asia-Pacific Schools Initiative is a biennial educational programme that brings together students and teachers from the Asia-Pacific region to create a network of future leaders, developing and nurturing in each one of them the capacity to exercise “Leadership through Serene Strength”. The Foundation Programme of the National Chapter 2017 took place from April 6-12, 2017 in New Delhi, India.

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The webinar was a part of the series ‘On a Quest to Learn: A series on the evolving nature of one’s learning journey’, and was geared towards having an informed discussion on the profound impact that technology and Artificial Intelligence continue to have on education and society. More than 100 participants from various countries, including Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cabo Verde, India, Nepal, Russia, the UK, and the USA, attended the webinar.

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The webinar was a part of the series ‘On a Quest to Learn: A series on the evolving nature of one’s learning journey’. The webinar sought to look at the evolving nature of assessment and gauge its effectiveness in helping people develop into persons of substance.

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The webinar provided a profound exploration into the multifaceted realms of education, societal structures, and conflict resolution. Various topics were meticulously dissected, shedding light on essential principles crucial for navigating today's complex world. Click here to watch webinar video

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The webinar led by Geshe Lhakdor was an interactive session where students engaged in thoughtful dialogue, seeking guidance on leading happy and harmonious lives. Encouraging active participation, Geshe emphasised the importance of gratitude for life's opportunities and the significance of happiness in all endeavours, urging students to approach tasks with understanding and enthusiasm.  Click here to watch webinar video

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This webinar was the first part of the two-part webinar series designed to provide a nuanced understanding of how students, teachers, and school leaders are using technology and AI in education, and how coders, IT specialists and policymakers are responding to refine its application in the educational field. Click here to watch webinar video.

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This second part of the series featured a diverse group of experts, including technologists, course content creators, and policymakers. This session focused on how these professionals are addressing the needs and challenges faced by those within the school ecosystem and how they are working to optimise and actualise the use of technology and AI in education.  Click here to watch webinar video.

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The pandemic has changed the landscape of how we communicate and connect with one another. The webinar sought to bring together ex-participants of India-Bhutan Youth Summit to discuss the current situation and share their experiences and insights. The webinar provided a platform to understand how the youth is viewing the current situation and identify opportunities for young people to take care of themselves, support each other, and help their communities during the pandemic and beyond.

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The webinar highlighted how technology enhances accessibility, engagement, and personalised learning experiences through AI-driven tools, online courses, and assistive technologies. It also addressed the importance of equitable access to digital resources, ensuring that all learners benefit from technological advancements. Strategies to bridge the digital divide included teacher training, community learning centres, and leveraging partnerships with tech companies.

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School Leaders’ Retreat 2020 brought together school leaders with the intent of inculcating an understanding of ‘Leadership through Serene Strength’ and inspiring them to support the students and teachers of their schools. We believe that if schools practice and promote ‘Leadership through Serene Strength’, it will have a multiplier effect and will spread in the community, country and region.

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Ritinjali and Centre for Escalation of Peace, in collaboration with Pallavan Learning Systems, India International Centre, and Vikramashila Foundation India held a two-day workshop on 8th & 9th May 2021 - ‘Meditation and the Mind’ with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. Over 800 participants joined in from 59 countries including India, USA, Bhutan, Singapore, Nepal, UK, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, Malaysia, France, Thailand, South Africa, Canada and Japan.

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The webinar was moderated by Dr. Fazal Rizvi and Jai Kapoor. The panel consisted of the following seven speakers: Ven Geshe Tenzin Damchoe, Prof Malavika Karlekar, Ugyen Jigme Rangdrel, Dr. Kavi Arya, Sonia Bashir Kabir, Kaushiek Pranoo, and Shikha Vats. The webinar was attended by a total of 162, from various countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and the United States. The audience members had a diverse range of occupations such as analysts, counsellors, doctors, editors, teachers, therapists, writers, and a large number from the field of education.

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This talk examined if our educational institutions that offer formal and very structured education are relevant anymore or whether we need a new paradigm. Young aspiring minds need to boldly ask if today's formal degrees serve much purpose for true fulfillment. Are their time and money well spent in the pursuit of formal education? If not, what are the alternatives? The webinar comprised over 370 participants including students, teachers, parents, school heads and learners from all walks of life, from a number of different countries.

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The participants of India-Bhutan Youth Summit 2018 shared their experiences and reflected on the entire programme. They submitted a programme report detailing their individual journey during the summit; the individual reports were compiled to generate this comprehensive document.

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This catalogue was created by Centre for Escalation of Peace in collaboration with India International Centre and Sahapedia. The material contained within this catalogue is intended to provide information about the artworks displayed at the exhibition, ‘Life and Legacy of Guru Padmasambhava’, held at India international Centre, Delhi. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information. 

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