The main objective of the youth summit is to enhance the ties between the youth of both countries and create an understanding of the importance of building India-Bhutan friendship. The Summit also seeks to create a pool of potential ambassadors, in both countries, who will carry forward the collaboration.
Centre for Escalation of Peace (CEP) and Pallavan Learning Systems (PLS), in collaboration with Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS), organized the inaugural India-Bhutan Youth Summit from September 21 to 29, 2018 in the Kingdom of Bhutan. The launch of the India-Bhutan Youth Summit came at an opportune time to celebrate the 50 years of friendship and partnership.
The nine-day programme is structured in a manner where learning experiences would incorporate a combination of academics and adventure. It includes an introduction to Bhutan and India, a three/four-day trek across the pristine landscapes, interactions amongst the participants on core issues, and meetings between the participants and eminent people. The participants will also visit places of interest and interact with the locals to gain a better understanding of the country and the aspirations of its citizens.
If you would like more information about the programme, please write to us at