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India-Bhutan Foundation (IBF)
CEP has convened its Public Sessions in the past with support from the IBF.

Royal Institute of Governance & Strategic Studies (RIGSS)
RIGSS is a key partner for the CEP in its efforts to convene the India-Bhutan Strategic Dialogue as well as its Public Sessions.

Royal Institute of Management (RIM)
RIM has been the venue for a Public Session facilitated in the past by the CEP.

School of Leadership, Afghanistan (SOLA)
CEP has partnered with SOLA along with Vasant Valley School to organise a two-week immersion programme for 10 Afghan girls in New Delhi.

Vasant Valley School (VVS)
CEP has partnered with VVS along with the School of Leadership, Afghanistan to organise a two-week immersion programme for 10 Afghan girls in New Delhi.

India International Center (IIC)
CEP has collaborated with IIC in organising the conference on 'Life & Legacy of Guru Padmasambhava'.